Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween Treats

Quick post to share these super fun favors I made for my kids' class.  This is the first year I needed to make favors for my in Preschool (*sigh, where does the time go?)!

These boxes were super easy to assemble and the grass die cut was used for teeth!  What do ya think of the minion pillow box?!  My kids are always going around the house, sounding like minions, they crack me up.

We went to our local pumpkin patch and the kids were super happy about finding their "perfect" pumpkin. 

Excuse the next photo as I took it quickly before my camera died...

All 39 favors made plus Pumpkin Butterscotch Muffins for the teachers that my hubby graciously made. 

Anyone want the recipe just message me...they are divine!  Have a great rest of the week!


  1. Oh boy, those treat boxes are so-o-o cute. The kids are going to love them! The muffins look great too....butterscotch and pumpkin make a good pairing.

  2. Ohhhhhhhhhh I want the recipe!!! BMWGIRL@COX.NET ... pretty please?????!!!!!! Pumpkin and Butterscotch??? YUM!!!! Loving all the photos!!! Those treat boxes are just sooooooooooooo CUTE!! BeDoBeDoBeDoBeDoBeDoBeDo!!! That is for your Minion kids! LOL!!! And I got my package yesterday!!!!! Thank you sooooooooooo much!!!! LOVING the stamp, the paper and those cute tags on the chocolates???? Toooooooooooooo FUN!!! Thanks love!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Haha...was wondering how to type out the minion noise! Good to hear you got your package in one piece.

  3. okay, whoa whoa whoa....your kids are a-dorable!!!!!
    cute kids, projects and baked goods? LOVE this post:)

  4. Oh my word, these are so cute! I love the grass teeth--you are so creative! Your kids are ADORABLE!! Love that picture.

  5. So so cute, love how those boxes turned out.. Now that is being creative using the grass for their teeth. love it!
    Scrumptious on those muffins, I could have some of them right now... My taste buds still haven't come back from this nasty cold I'm still trying to get over.. What a past miserable week it's been for me.... Anyhow I'm sure all the kiddos will love their goodies you made.... Enjoy your happy hump day~

  6. A grass die for teeth?! Too clever, Niki! I bet everybody loved their little treats and muffins (which look delicious, btw)! Such an adorable pictures of your kids- we'll have to make it out to that pumpkin patch next year!

  7. Oh those treat boxes are too cute! And I'm in love with the Minion! Cute kids and a hubby that bakes? Awesome!!

  8. aww your kids are adorable and LOVE those Halloween treats..

  9. Cute, cute, cute! Love your grass teeth idea. I wouldn't mind getting that recipe from you. Looks delish!

  10. These are adorable! I love them all, but the minion is my favorite because, well, who doesn't love those minions?!

  11. The treats are so awesome,Niki! So clever usimg the grass as teeth,love the idea!! The minion is to cute! The muffins,would love one right now...yummy! :) Your kids are adorable,great photo!!

  12. AWESOME Projects and great Pictures!!!

  13. Just came over from Joy Of Crafting blog - had to see your creations. Glad I stopped by. Sooo cute...!

  14. you make the sweetest packaging projects! love the bats' faces ;)


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