Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Getting Started

So I have been completely inspired by the paper crafting community! I've found so much joy in paper crafting and thought it would be nice to have a place for me to collect and share projects.  I've waited so long to start a blog...just doubting my craftiness, but have come to the realization that it's ok to not be perfect and it's all about having fun! So for my first post wanted to share...

Santa's Ride

I'm quite proud of this little thing.  Wanted to come up with a party favor that you couldn't just get from a cartridge.  Played around a bit with the e-cal software and with the help of the hubby got this cut out!  These will be passed out to my daughter's class...hope they like it!

Here's the finished product!  I decided to change Santa's sack to red, and place in a clear box to keep the intricate sled safe.  Of course it's not a gift without a cute little tag stamped with Santa!

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