
Monday, December 16, 2013

Picking Up the Pieces Vol. 5: Making Tags

So I was on a mission to use up all my scrap pieces of holiday pattern paper (you may recognize seeing them in this post) and realized I had enough to make a stash of tags! Tags are perfect to jazz up that special gift, turn into a quick card or just to have on hand for when you need them quickly.

Recognize the paper from the treat bags?  I used Lawn Fawn's Tag You're It Dies to quickly put these together.  I also had some scrap glitter paper that I couldn't bare to throw away, they made perfect reinforcers for a little touch of bling!

 Above is my favorite tag using an origami tree cut from a half circle and folded to create the layers...super fun!

Lastly are these sets that allowed the paper to speak for themselves AKA my laziness kickin' in.  But honestly I did like the simplicity of it for those none fru fru peeps in our lives!

All right, that's it for me!  Hope everyone is surviving, crossing off things from the to do list and getting ready for Christmas.  MAHALO for stopping by!



  1. These are so FUN!! I loveeeeeeeeeee the tree one!!!!!!

  2. Super cute tags - You should enter them in the Lia Stampz challenge that is going on now, "Make a Tag" this fits right up their ally.....

  3. The are fantastic Niki!! I LOVE the origami tree,fabulous!!

  4. What a cute tags Niki! Love each one of them :)

  5. Very cute tags, Niki!!! I love the tree one!!!

  6. Great idea to make the reinforcer for your tag out of glitter paper! Just enough bling, and it hardly uses any of your special paper. Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas together, Niki! Here's to another fun bloggy year in 2014!


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